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name [rommy.romster]
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    Web Counter: hiTs

    Happy New Year 2004

    i've just changed the template for
    december 2003 edition of

    HTML tutorial

    If you want to learn the basic of HTML or HyperText Markup Language, just visit Active Jump!

    cable modem rusak nih!

    sebel! cable modem gue rusak.
    ada yang tahu tempat service cable modem merk "zyxel" gak di Jakarta?

    a resource to help finding photoblogs

    8 alasan utama memiliki blog

    (from Majalah Web Indonesia)

    Sebab 1: Memiliki Blog adalah TANPA BIAYA
    Sebab 2: Memiliki Blog adalah MUDAH
    Sebab 3: Blog cocok untuk SIAPA SAJA
    Sebab 4: Blog memberikan kamu SENSE OF PURPOSE
    Sebab 5: Memiliki Blog melatih kemampuan kita BERPIKIR
    Sebab 6: Blog membebaskan kamu untuk BERBAGI dan BEREKSPRESI
    Sebab 7: Komunitas Blogger
    Sebab 8: Blog adalah "The New Media" di Internet

    click for more details...

    [weekend in a wrap]

    Fri, Dec 26
    + pagi - masuk kantor seperti biasa walaupun harpitnas (hari kejepit nasional) hehehe
    + siang - sholat jumat di Plaza Senayan
    + sore - pulang kantor, macet banget, gara2x pembangunan jalur busway
    + malam - adit's birthday, ditraktir makan bareng teman2x di Mamink Daeng Tata di lapangan ros. Tata Ribs enak banget! *guilty pleasure* hmmm gemuk lagi deh..

    Sat, Dec 27
    + pagi - belum bangun
    + siang - get myself a new haircut. Pilihannya TinTin or Spike or Beckam (mohawk) or combination of them. kayaknya gue lebih cocok spike deh.
    + sore - cetak foto digital di StudioOne Bulungan, sekarang lebih murah, yang 4R Rp 1.250 per lembar, bandingkan dengan Fuji Image Plaza, 4R Rp 2.000 per lembar. Dan juga bebas Handling Fee (biasanya tambah Rp 5000 per media (CD, memory card, etc)
    + malam - double date, rencanannya sih mau nonton, cuma karena sudirman macet banget jadi telat deh. Akhirnya makan steak di kelapa gading, di warung yang ada di apartmen gading. not bad lah! terus ber-empat pada mau karaoke-an di happy puppy, tapi berhubung antriannya panjang dan lama, gak jadi deh. Abis itu minum juice di bilangan menteng.

    Sun, Dec 28
    + pagi - belum bangun, rencananya sih mau jogging di senayan, tapi kebablasan deh tidurnya
    + sore - jalan2x di mall bareng teman2x. Ke Plaza Indonesia, mau nyobain "BreadTalk" yang katanya heboh itu. Ya bener, beli roti aja ngantri, especially Roti Abonnya (6000an per piece), cepet abis diserbu. Yang beli, sekali ngambil itu satu sampai dua lusin *geleng-geleng*. Ada dua pilihan sih, roti abon yang pedas dan yang biasa. Setelah nyoba, gue lebih suka yang gak pedas, karena gak terlalu amis. Sebenarnya roti-nya biasa banget, malah dingin, gak hangat untuk roti yang katanya "fresh from the oven". Rotinya juga kempes, gak padat berisi. Heran deh! kok laku banget, mungkin dari sisi marketingnya emang juara si "BreadTalk" ini.
    + Happy Birthday buat Reza DJ ! met panjang umur, enteng jodoh dan tambah sukses yah! ditunggu traktirannya hehehe.

    Happy Birthday, Adit!

    Selamat Natal & Tahun Baru

    Hari Natal 2003
    Tahun Baru 2004

    Mall Hoppers

    hari libur.. beresin kamar.. trus jalan2x dari mall ke mall..
    lumayan rame.. makan2x.. window shopping..
    trus nemenin temen gue beli birthday cake..
    pulang.. bobo.. besok ngantor..


    Setengah hari

    Horee.. hari ini boleh pulang kantor setelah jam 1.00 siang.. tapi body gue masih pegel2x neh gara2x squash kemaren..
    kayaknya kurang pemanasan deh.. or mukul bola-nya masih ngaco.. maklumlah beginner..

    wah.. banyak waktu nih siang ini.. trus gue ke mall cari kado buat temen gue yang bentar lagi ultah.. (ingetin gue tgl 26 yah ultahnya).. abis muter2x didalam mall akhirnya dapet juga kado yang pas buat dia dan pas juga buat kantong gue hehehe.. maklum gajian belum masuk juga nih ke account..

    eh malemnya tiba2x temen smp gue telpon.. katanya anak2x smp lagi pada ngumpul di citoz..trus gue gabung deh ke Citos.. wah ngeliat temen2x smp ada sekitar 7 orang.. wahh wajah ama body pada berubah semua.. (ya iyalah, smp kan 9 taon yang lalu hihihi tua nih).. kita akhirnya nongkrong aja di gloria jeans cafe sambil ngupi2x dan main gaple (kayak ngeronda aja main gaple).. abis chit-chat, becanda2x masa lampau dan ledek2x kan, ada yg ngusulin buat trip bareng alumni smp.. kayaknya sih pada mau ke puncak sekitar awal2x taon depan.. trus rencananya mau ngumpul lagi di Citos tgl 4 Jan 2004 buat diskusi lebih lanjut untuk trip tsb.. wah that's one day before my birthday tuh hehehe..

    Selamat Merayakan Hari Natal buat teman-teman gue yg merayakannya..

    Have a great long weekend guyz! *geez*
    except me.. krn tgl 26, gue bakalan masuk kantor.. HarPitNas (hari kejepit nasional) nih..


    kemarin sore abis maen squash di Senayan.
    sekarang kaki dan tangan gue pegel2x euy!

    Happy Mothers Day, Mom !

    Double Date - Movie

    minggu siang.. kita pergi double date.. nonton Arisan! (*lagi*).. di TIM..
    abis itu makan "nasi gila" di menteng.. enak gila!

    [Saturday Night] Wedding

    Sisca & Sonu Wedding at Sheetal Restaurant, Menara Jamsostek.

    [Friday Night Out] Venue

    on Friday Night, I went to the "Venue", a dine and lounge in Kemang, with some friends. Got some free pass from my friend for "the bigger the better" event. it started off with acousting and smooth jazz. A lady singer, a piano player and a bass player, completed the cozy and comfortable atmosphere. Quite relaxing tunes to unwind myself.

    Fire! Fire!

    I'm so exhausted today. *sigh*

    The fire alarm on my building suddenly rang in the middle of the day, around 2 pm. Don't know whether it is real or just another fire drill. Well, just grab the "emergency excape smoke hood" (the green tube that's attached on my desk, in case of emergency so that a person can breath if the surrounding environment filled with smoke), then off we go to the fire escape. The stairs are packed with people going down the building, very calm and in orderly manner. I guess it's just a fire drill 'cuz everybody's not in a rush. Feel sorry for the girl who wore those high heels, must be in pain.

    After we reach at the ground floor, we went outside the building and assembled in a nearby grass field. Everyone gathered in a group based on their floor and their company. Well, one of my friend brought a digital camera and take some shots of this "rare" moment. All of a sudden, it started to rain and we walk away and run from the field. *geez* my clothes, my hair, my pants, all got wet and I think i'm going to have a flu.

    *Fire Drill = An exercise intended to train people in duties and escape procedures to be followed in case of fire


    + an atmosphere of depression and melancholy
    + a feeling of melancholy apprehension
    + excessive sadness and mournfulness

    Ophiuchus - the 13th astrological sign

    Do you know that there are 13 astrological signs?

    Unlike the astrological signs that we used to read in the magazine, the Babylonians, who lived about 3000 years ago, has divided the zodiac into 13 constellations. There's one zodiac signs that most of us don't know about it, which is the Ophiuchus, the 13th sign. The astrological sign is based on when the earth orbits the Sun and the Sun is between the earth and earch of the following constellations:

    [Constellation] [Dates] [Days]

    [Sagittarius] [Dec 18 - Jan 18] [32]
    [Capricornus] [Jan 19 - Feb 15] [28]
    [Aquarius] [Feb 16 - Mar 11] [24]
    [Pisces] [Mar 12 - Apr 18] [38]
    [Aries] [Apr 19 - May 13] [25]
    [Taurus] [May 14 - Jun 19] [37]
    [Gemini] [Jun 20 - Jul 20] [31]
    [Cancer] [Jul 21 - Aug 9] [20]
    [Leo] [Aug 10 - Sep 15] [37]
    [Virgo] [Sep 16 - Oct 30] [45]
    [Libra] [Oct 31 - Nov 22] [23]
    [Scorpius] [Nov 23 - Nov 29] [7]
    [Ophiuchus] [Nov 30 - Dec 17] [18]

    source: starfinder

    [photo] bl0gbugs gathering

    photo taken during blogbugs gathering 11 Dec 2003 at starbucks coffee, plaza senayan.
    guess! where is rommy?

    (courtesy of balQ)

    [song lyrics] Firasat

    [by: Marcell - written by: Dewi 'Dee' Lestari]

    kemarin.. ku lihat awan membentuk wajahmu
    desau angin meniupkan namamu
    tubuhku terpaku

    semalam.. bulan sabit melengkungkan senyummu
    tabur bintang serupa kilau auramu
    aku pun sadari.. 'ku segera berlari..

    cepat pulang.. cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi
    firasatku ingin kau 'tuk, cepat pulang
    cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi

    akhirnya.. bagai sungai yang mendamba samudera
    ku tahu pasti kemana kan 'ku bermuara
    semoga ada waktu

    sayangku.. 'ku percaya alam pun berbahasa
    ada makna di balik semua pertanda
    firasat ini, rasa rindukah ataukah tanda bahaya
    aku tak peduli.. 'ku terus berlari

    cepat pulang.. cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi
    firasatku ingin kau 'tuk, cepat pulang
    cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi

    dan lihatlah sayang
    hujan turun membasahi, seolah 'ku berair mata..

    cepat pulang.. cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi
    firasatku ingin kau 'tuk, cepat pulang
    cepat kembali, jangan pergi lagi

    aku pun sadari.. engkaulah firasat hati...

    weekend in a nutshell

    Well, this weekend started with a lovely wedding reception that i attended with the whole family. The event took place in bidakara. *geez* the traffic's like hell. It has this runabout close to the bidakara ballroom that don't even have a single traffic light. So it's kinda hard to get into the lobby or even the parking lot.

    On Saturday, I went to a friend house in bintaro area for 'HalalBihalal' slash 'birthday' party. Quite fun, though. We've got some photos taken but i haven't uploaded to the server yet. So just wait 'n see.

    On Sunday, i went to catch Arisan at the 21. It's quite entertaining and hilarious romantic comedy flick. Mostly recommended to watch. The odd thing was that the movie ticket of Indonesian movie now is the same as Hollywood movies *sigh*
    So I've got like two more Indo movie to watch. Eiffel, I'm in Love and Biarkan Bintang Menari. Who wants to go to these motion pictures with me? Hands up!

    webzine !

    [+] registering and testing a new webzine

    BlogBugs Gathering

    Yesterday I missed the launching of adhitya's book "Jomblo" at C21 Boutique Cafe because it started at 3 pm and i couldn't skip my work. Nevertheless, I show up at the blogbugs gathering in plaza senayan, which luckily is very close to my office.

    The "blogbugsters" gathered in starbucks coffee and then at the foodcourt in level 4. I think there were around 15 people or more showed up. As a new comer in the blogger world, I really don't know anyone there. However, the crowd are mostly friendly and with a bit of introductory conversation, eating out together and lots of picture taking, I finally get along with them.

    So I just would like to say 'hi' to my new friends at blogbugs and couldn't wait for the next gathering though. Hey Guyz, don't forget to share the photos online.


    BlogBugs Gathering Photo
    NuTs Collection
    BalQ Collection


    Is Blogging Addictive? Are you addicted to blog? Are you a blogaholic?

    These are some Quizzes to find out whether you're a blog-addict or blogaholic
    Quiz 1
    Quiz 2

    Indonesia Cellular Operators

    Telkom Flexi

    Indosat Satelindo
    Indosat IM-3
    Pro XL


    [Event] Jomblo - Book Launching

    [the image above is courtesy of Ninit]

    by Adhitya
    [Official Book Launching]

    Boutique cafe
    Plaza Senayan Lt dasar
    11 Dec 2003 15:00

    Film Indonesia

    pengen nonton film-film Indonesia deh.. ngantri gak yah? ada yg mo ikut?

    [event] PL FAIR 2003 & 26th Jazz Goes to Campus

    PL FAIR 2003
    :: Theme? Military
    :: Where? Stadion Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan
    :: When? Sat, 13 Desember 2003 & Sun, 14 Desember 2003
    :: How Much? HTM: Rp 18.000,-
    :: Agenda?
    + Sat, 13 Desember 2003
    - Boomerang - Naif - Rif - Edane - Netral - 7 Years Later - Pas - The Brandals - Noxa - Balcony
    - Thrashline - Room V - Wired - Sugarstar - Trauma - The Miskins - Endank Soekamti
    + Sun, 14 Desember 2003
    - Cokelat - Kahitna - Ada Band - Glenn - Djaduk + Butet - Club Eighties - RRT - Pure Saturday
    - The Sastros - Morning Bell - MALIQ and the Essentials - Seringai - Blossom Diary - D'Zeek
    + For more info, please check on

    26th Jazz Goes to Campus
    + When? 14th Dec 2003
    + Where? FEUI Campus, Depok
    + More Info, Click This!

    Indonesia BlogBugs Community

    [last update of this list is on Dec 10, 2003]

    Take a loot at some blogs from Indonesian friends at: (not in any particular order)

    Dr Dee's Stories of Life
    Wie's Tentang Aku, Untuk Mu
    Widi's Every Little Thing
    Atta's Negeri Senja
    Richoz's Blog
    Mirzha - Marietta's By the Name of Love
    Verry's Log
    Rani's Mind Diary
    A Jolt of Reality - Ganda
    Amma - KecilMungil - Experience is the best teacher
    Linda's NiceGreen Blog
    Adhi's Nyanyian Perjalanan
    Ada Apa dengan Ipone
    Bebek Elek
    Ochan's Halaman Rawa
    Mitha's Caramel Cream
    DaGungsta's Crib
    Viga's Fingerdance
    Nia's Baby Blue
    Radith's Kambing Jantan
    Ika & Ray
    Nunique's The black Cat...
    Jerry's Ruang Kecil
    BalQ's Titian Alam
    Emil's Blog
    Icimut - I Have Nothing to be sad about...
    Tuteh Neh
    Alarix's It's start with dream...
    Aulia - Allayubi
    Ira's Dicari: Lelaki Super
    Neen's Waiting for my sun to wake me up
    Annie's Coeroet

    [vacancy] Program Pendidikan Eksekutif Bank Niaga

    Sumber: Bank Niaga

    Program Pendidikan Eksekutif/Program Pendidikan Khusus

    Bank Niaga membuka kesempatan bagi fresh graduate untuk bergabung
    melalui Program Pendidikan Eksekutif/Program Pendidikan Khusus.
    Program Pendidikan Eksekutif dirancang untuk mendidik karyawan
    menjadi Karyawan Pimpinan Junior sesuai kualifikasi Bank Niaga yang
    diharapkan menguasai aspek-aspek perbankan secara keseluruhan yang
    diharapkan akan menjadi seorang Karyawan Pimpinan perbankan yang

    Sedangkan Program Pendidikan Khusus dirancang untuk mendidik
    menjadi Karyawan Pimpinan Junior sesuai kualifikasi Bank Niaga yang
    menguasai aspek-aspek perbankan secara lebih spesifik sesuai dengan
    bidang yang dibutuhkan, misalnya spesialis Information & Technology,
    spesialis Human Resources, spesialis Legal, Dealer, dll sesuai

    Kesempatan untuk mengikuti program ini terbuka bagi fresh graduate
    dengan kualifikasi sbb :

    . Fresh graduate dengan usia maks. 28 tahun
    . Lulusan S1 dengan IPK minimal 2.75 untuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
    Terkemuka dan minimal 3.00 untuk Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Terkemuka.
    . Lulus dalam tahapan seleksi yang dilakukan oleh Bank Niaga
    . Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan di seluruh wilayah dimana Bank Niaga
    . Bersedia mengikuti ikatan dinas setelah lulus dari program
    . Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang Bank Niaga

    Surat lamaran, CV dan pasfoto terakhir disertai pencantuman kode
    posisi dapat dikirimkan kepada :

    Assessment Center Division
    Human Resources Group
    PT. Bank Niaga, Tbk
    Griya Niaga I Bintaro Lt. 3
    Jl. Wahid Hasyim Blok B4/3
    Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7
    Tangerang 15224
    e-mail :

    [vacancy] Lowongan Dosen STEKPI (deadline 18 Desember 2003)

    [dikutip seperti apa adanya dari harian kompas akhir November 2003]

    STEKPI merupakan salah satu business school terbaik di Indonesia,
    memberikan tantangan berkarir kepada profesional untuk posisi:

    - Memiliki kapabilitas sebagai Wakil Ketua, atau Direktur Program
    Magister atau Direktur Program Studi atau Direktur Lembaga
    - S3 (doktor) bidang manajemen dan akuntansi atau informatika atau
    ilmu komunikasi dari perguruan tinggi bereputasi.
    - Memiliki visi bisnis dan akademik.
    - Usia maks. 45 tahun, kecuali guru besar maks. 45 tahun

    - S3 (doktor) atau S2 (master) bidang manajemen, akuntansi, studi
    pembangunan, informatika atau ilmu komunikasi dari perguruan tinggi
    - Usia maks. 45 tahun untuk dosen tetap dan usia maks. 55 tahun
    dosen paruh waktu.
    - Diutamakan guru besar atau kandidat yang memiliki pengalaman
    profesional atau praktisi bisnis atau dosen dengan kepangkatan
    akademik minimal lektor.
    - Bersedia mengikuti program pengembangan kompetensi dosesn dan

    - S1 atau S2 bidang manajemen, akuntansi, studi pembangunan,
    informatika atau ilmu komunikasi dari perguruan tinggi bereputasi
    dengan IPK min. 3,50.
    - Usia maks. 35 tahun untuk S1 dan 35 tahun untuk S2.
    - Bersedia mengikuti program pengembangan kompetensi dosen dan

    Aplikasi dilengkapi cv, copy ijazah, transkrip dan foto terbaru
    disampaikan paling lambat 18 Desember 2003, kepada:
    Subdit Personalia
    Kampus STEKPI, Jl. TMP. Kalibata, Jakarta 12760 atau Fax. (021)
    7981352 atau e-mail :
    [info at stekpi dot ac dot id]

    [movie review] KiLL BiLL

    just had "NoMat" yesterday.
    saw KiLL BiLL, a Tarantino's movie.
    full of blood-splatting heart-pounding samurai-fighting scenes.
    not recommended for weak-hearted peace-loving anti-violence-thing kind of person.

    Three Weddings and a Karaoke Session

    I guess you already watch the movie "four weddings and a funeral".
    Well, last weekend, i almost went through the same thing, except I didn't have any funeral to attempt, thus just three weedings an a karaoke session.

    It started last saturday with a wedding of a fellow worker of mine in the afternoon in Taman Mini area.
    and during saturday nights, I amused myself in a fun karaoke time with friends.

    The next day, I must attempt to show up at to wedding, which coincidentally happen at the exact time at 7-9 pm in two different places. One in Balai Sudirman and the other one is in RedTop Hotel. All went well, though. What a weekend!!

    Congratulations for Mas Maki, Mba Endah & Ko Handree.. Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru!

    Handree & Deasy

    Happy Birthday Agus

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    [lyrics] Tamia - Officialy Missing You

    Officially Missing You
    by Tamia

    [Verse One]
    officially missin you....

    All I hear is raindrops
    Falling on the rooftop
    Oh baby tell me why'd you have to go
    Cause this pain I feel
    It wont go away
    And today I'm officially missing you
    I thought that from this heartache
    I could escape
    But I fronted long enough to know
    There ain't no way
    And today
    I'm officially missing you

    (Ohhhh) can't nobody do it like you
    Said every little thing you do
    Hey baby say
    stays on my mind
    And I, and I, I'm officially
    [Verse Two]
    All I do is lay around
    Two ears full tears
    From looking at your face on the wall ( face on the wall)
    Just a week ago you were my baby
    Now I don't even know you at all
    don't know you at all
    Well I wish that you would call me right now
    So that I could get through to you somehow
    But I guess it's safe to say baby safe to say
    That I'm, That I'm officially missing you

    (Ohhhh) can't nobody do it like you
    Said every little thing you do
    Hey baby say
    stays on my mind
    And I, and I, I'm officially

    [Verse Two]

    Well I thought I could just get over you baby
    But I see that's something I just can't do
    From the way you would hold me
    To the sweet things you told me
    I just can't find a way
    To let go of you


    It official
    You know that I'm missing you
    oohhh Yeah yes
    All I hear is raindrops
    ooohhh yeah
    And I'm officially missing you

    Career Development Center

    There's lots of vacancies on these sites.

    Binus Career

    CDC - Universitas Indonesia

    CDC - Universitas Gadjah Mada

    CDC- ITB

    Career Center - Ubaya

    Campus Career Center

    BL Career

    BCA: Management Development Program of 2004

    We develop and reward our people to motivate them to be:



    S1/S2 Degree Holder
    Minumim GPA : 3 (in scale 0f 4)
    Maximum age: 25 years old for S1 holder or 27 years old for S2 holder
    Not married and agreeing not to get married during the program
    Ready to placed in all the branches throughout Indonesia
    Ready for a contract of service upon completion of the program
    Passing entrance examination

    Please submit your application ( cover letter, resume, copy of certificate,copy of transcript, copy of ID card, color photo in 4x6 cm) to :

    Biro Perekrutan & Pengembangan Potensi
    BCA Wisma Asia Lt. 9
    Jl. S. Parman Kav. 79 Slipi
    Jakarta Barat 11420
    Yth : Bapak Thamrin Yusuf Halim -
    Kepala Biro Perekrutan &
    Pengembangan Potensi


    Vacancy at Bank Mandiri : Officer Development Program

    Dalam rangka kaderisasi calon pimpinan PT.Bank Mandiri (Persero) dan memberi kesempatan bagi mahasiswa berprestasi , PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) mengundang lulusan Universitas Indonesia untuk mengikuti seleksi sebagai kandidat officer melalui jalur Officer Development Program (ODP) dengan ketentuan persyaratan sebagai berikut:

    Persyaratan Umum untuk Strata 2 (S2)

    Sarjana Magister Manajemen
    Usia maksimal 28 tahun ( sampai dengan Desember 2003)
    Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
    Menguasai ketrampilan komputer MS Office
    Diutamakan tidak buta warna
    Belum menikah
    Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

    Persyaratan Umum untuk Strata 1 (S1)

    Sarjana Strata Satu
    Usia maksimal 26 tahun (sampai dengan Desember 2003)
    Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
    Menguasai ketrampilan komputer MS Office
    Diutamakan tidak buta warna
    Belum menikah
    Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

    Persyaratan Khusus
    1. Untuk S2, berpredikat prestasi min.IPK 3.0 (skala $) dari semua jurusan
    2. Untuk S1, berpredikat prestasi 25 Top Rank dari masing-masing Fakultas/Departemen
    (IPK min.2,75, skala 4) dengan disiplin ilmu sebagai berikut:

    Ilmu Sosial danIlmu Politik

    Bagi peminat yang memenuhi syarat tersebut, dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran yang ditujukan melalui :
    Human Resources Group
    PT Bank Mandiri (Persero)
    Plaza Mandiri lt.12
    Jl.Jend Gatot Subroto Kav.36-38
    Jakarta 12190

    Aplikasi lamaran dilengkapi dengan:

    2 lembar pas photo hitam putih /berwarna terbaru berukuran 4x6
    1 lembar fotokopi KTP
    daftar riwayat hidup
    1 lembar fotocopy Surat Keterangan Lulus/Ijazah berikut transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir

    Lamaran lengkap diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 8 Desember 2003

    Pada sudut kiri atas amplop agar dicantumkan kode “ODP”
    Tidak berlaku bagi yang pernah mengikuti seleksi ODP PT Bank Mandiri (Persero)
    Hanya pelamar yang lulus seleksi administrasi yang akan diapngggil dan diikutsertakan pada seleksi tahap berikutnya
    Setiap tahapan test berlaku sistem GUGUR
    Pelaksanaan seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun



    blog gue kadang2x slow banget kalau di access.. especially during noon time..
    kenape ye.. apa kebanyakan tools.. entar deh dikutak katik lagi..

    anyone has an idea, where's the best place to post my blog beside here?

    pulang dulu ahh.. kantor dah sepi.. :P


    Beranekaragam Kursus Computer

    Add a New Web Counter

    I've put a new web counter on the top right corner of this page.
    So I can see how many visitors have been here.

    Tes Potensi Akademik

    Tes Potensi Akademik

    sundanese lunch

    just had lunch with colleagues at Warung Laksana in Melawai street..
    I had steam rice with sundanese fried chicken, lalapan (sundanese salad), sambal (chilly sauce) and karedok (a sundanese salad mix with peanut sauce).. very yummy..

    Yahoo! Photos New Look

    wow.. Yahoo! Photos has a brand new look with a cleaner and more sophisticated display for your photos..

    check out my high school reunion photo collections..
    reuni smu 6 '97

    starbucks vs nescafe

    horee.. pagi-pagi ada surprise di kantor..

    sekarang sudah ada starbucks coffee corner di lantai kantor gue.. di dekat pintu masuk lagi.. wah bakal jadi saingan berat sama nescafe machine di area pantry nih..

    tapi gue lebih suka ama nescafe machine deh.. soalnya lengkap ada black coffee, 3in1, mochachino, cappucino, milo, ice cappucino.. tinggal taruh cangkir.. pencet tombol pilihan.. langsung jadi deh minumannya.. gue sih prefer milo aja kalau pagi-pagi.. takut mules kalau ngopi-ngopi..

    entar siang aja ah nyoba starbucks-nya.. slurp slurp slurp..

    - Starbucks Coffee
    - Nescafe

    soTo gebraK !!!

    braK!!! braK!!! brak!!! bunyi botol digebrakkan ke meja.. bikin kaget.. bikin jantungan.. kadang bisa bikin latah.. itulah sekilas adegan yang bisa di jumpai di soto gebrak.. sebuah warung pinggir jalan di bilangan setiabudi jakarta selatan..

    tadi malam.. akhirnya gue mencicipi gimana sih rasa dan suasana di soto gebrak itu.. bertiga dengan temen-temen gue, pergi ke setiabudi untuk mencari lokasi soto gebrak itu..

    ada soto ayam dan soto daging.. dilengkapi dengan sebungkus emping.. kecap dan sambal sesuai selera.. dan ditemani es teh manis..

    rasanya sih kalau menurut gue gak begitu istimewa sotonya.. biasa aja.. hanya "gebrak" nya itu lho yang bikin kaget.. mungkin ada intervalnya setiap berapa menit, abangnya menggebrak gebrak meja dengan botol saktinya.. kenapa gue bilang botol sakti, karena bentuknya aneh, bukan seperti botol kecap biasa.. mungkin isinya kecap atau bumbu lainnya karena isinya berwarna hitam pekat..

    saran gue sih agar warung soto gebrak memasang tanda "warning" or "peringatan" aja.. seperti kalau mau naik halilintar di dufan, kan ada papan "dilarang naik untuk yang berpenyakit jantung, darah tinggi, wanita hamil, anak-anak, dll".. mungkin kalau di soto gebrak lebih cocok dengan papan "dilarang masuk untuk yang jantungan, kagetan dan latahan".. hehehe seru deh.. apalagi kalau ngajak temen yang latahnya jorok.. huahuahuahua bisa terpingkal-pingkal sampe sakit perut deh..


    catch the new Indonesian movie.. ARISAN!

    cut mini
    surya saputra
    rachel maryam
    tora sudiro

    Nia diNata

    lots of new tools

    I've added lots of new bl0g tools to communicate with me.. such as..
    - my email address
    - my messsenger IDs
    - private message
    - guest book
    - speak up
    - chatter box

    although it seems a bit redundant.. but the more the merrier right..

    Add Chatterbox to your Blogger/Blog*Spot weblog


    Blog tools from the Blog Search Engine

    Blog tools from the Blog Search Engine


    Using blogBuddy

    d2r: an introduction to weblogs

    d2r: an introduction to weblogs

    d2r: an introduction to weblogs, part two: syndication

    d2r: an introduction to weblogs, part two: syndication

    bl0gging alternative

    I can bl0g fr0m:

    new guest book

    i've added a new guest book facilities for you to sign..
    just click on the guest book menu on the right hand side..
    or browse thru the bottom of this page and you can found an online version of my guestbook..


    kutak katik

    lagi kutak katik cara ngilangin b@nner-nya bl0gsp0t..
    ada yg tau gak? kasih tips dong..
    i tried once.. bisa ngilang tuh b@nner.. tapi balik lagi..
    huh.. gimana yah..

    i am blogging away (post from WAPblog using gprs)


    1st December 2003 is worldAIDSday

    what's wrong

    geez.. something must be wrong with the template.. it's so slow..
    i'll better fix it later..

    new free domain

    i've just register myself for a free domain at


    why my blog is so slow ..
    hmmm need to find the bug ..

    My Moods

    i've just setup my moods icon..
    really cool stuff...


    Happy Birthday Putu !!!

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